Neurobics for KaraTe
Introduction of Neurobics for Karate:
Have you ever wondered which exercises are best for the internal organs and the brain? There is a common misconception that academic studies are the only route to enhancing brain development and IQ. Only 28.4% of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. Researchers in neuroscience have discovered that the “key to fully exercising your brain is engaging all the senses — sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell — in non-routine ways.”
The Importance of Neurobics for Karate
Dr. Lawrence Katz, an internationally recognized neurobiologist and pioneer in neuron regeneration research, developed a method for exercising the brain known as Neurobics . He explains that mental decline typically results not from the loss of brain cells; rather, it stems from the breakdown of communication between them. Furthermore, this decline can occur when the branches of our nerve cells (dendrites) become inactive or, conversely, too relaxed for an extended period. Consequently, maintaining active dendrites is crucial for preserving cognitive function.
Engaging All Senses
Neurobics research has found that by doing the right kind of mental exercise, we can grow new dendritic connections. Most brain exercises focus primarily on sight, giving very little attention to the other senses: sound, touch, taste, and smell. Dr. Katz’s research found that by engaging with all our senses in a “non-routine way,” we can strengthen our brain and improve our mood, memory, and mindset, thereby leading to enhanced intellect and IQ.
The Role of Karate
The tricky part to all this is doing exercises that involve our daily routines. Karate is a practice that often incorporates all the Neurobic exercises recommended by neuroscientists, including Dr. Katz. Here are some examples of Neurobics for karate that you can practice through Karate exercises:
Switch Hands
Using your non-dominant hand results in increased brain activity. In Karate, we often start Kata from the left side; try doing your Kata from the other side. This activity enhances brain stimulation, which is an integral part of developing new nerve cell connections.
Try Chopsticks
Remember, this practice will encourage you to eat mindfully, which benefits your brain, digestion, and calorie consumption. If you already excel at this, try using your non-dominant hand.
Learn Jodo
In terms of Karate, ask your Sensei to teach you Jodo. The handling of a staff will help you develop your senses in your figures and hands. This kind of motor neuron stimulation was a key finding in Neurobics research.
Practice Blindfolded
Research has found that doing activities without the use of eyes can force your brain to use new neural pathways. Next time you are in the Dojo, try performing a Kata with your eyes closed.
Train Upside Down or Backwards
This kind of brain stimulation forces your brain to really think about what you’re doing and ultimately helps break down technique. You can perform many exercises in reverse, but my favorite is the backward roll. Start by moving forward, and then switch to the backward direction!
Read or Recite Out Loud
Read or recite the Dojo Kun or Niju Kun out loud. Researchers in Neurobics discovered that “one of the earliest demonstrations of brain imaging clearly showed three distinct brain regions lighting up when individuals read, spoke, or heard the same word.” Although this exercise may seem daunting at first, you will become accustomed to it!
Take a New Route
We often tend to do things on autopilot, and subsequently, this leads to very little stimulation of the nerve cells. Researchers found that by taking an unfamiliar route, we activate the cortex and hippocampus.
Creative Mapping
The equivalent of this in Karate is to draw a map of the Kata you last learned; alternatively, you could learn a completely new routine just for the fun of it!
Engage All Senses Simultaneously
On paper, this seems difficult; however, you can actually do it by simply having a conversation. Nevertheless, the digital age often stops us from doing this, doesn’t it? After all, why speak to someone when you can just text, email, or message them instead?
Foster In-Person Engagement
Use your Dojo as a place to remove all devices; engage with your fellow Karateka and Instructors. Make it a point to ask them questions, even if they don’t make sense or seem unrelated to Karate. In fact, asking such questions can lead to unexpected insights and enrich the conversation.
Try Something New
Do things you’ve never done before! NEW experiences can often inspire us. In Neurobics for Karate, if a student feels bored with their training, their Sensei will often detect this and begin teaching new movements or Kata. This is to drive stimulation of the hippocampus.
This exercise can be as simple as speaking to someone new or trying a new food or drink. Remember; if boredom ever kicks into your practice, always consult your Sensei; it is their job to make training fun!
Challenge Yourself!
What is your comfort zone? This is something that you should always ask yourself; otherwise, you will find this habit of being comfortable will follow you around like a shadow! Watch other Martial Artists practice and find something you like. Then try it yourself until you have perfected the movement.
Another way to do this is by connecting with new people (particularly those with different interests). Seek out other Karateka (from different styles) or anyone from your life and learn about them.
Do Things the Hard Way
STOP relying on technology! Remember; everything we do in the Dojo is the hard way! For example, learn about the history of Neurobics for Karate through books. I know it’s tempting to just watch a YouTube video… I do it all the time! But push yourself and find the answers through books and speaking to fellow Karateka.
The Power of Meditation
Neurobics for karate of all mental exercises, meditation may be the most challenging! There are thousands of research papers in this area that all come to the same conclusion: “The brain benefits of meditation include stress reduction, improved memory, learning ability and mood, increased focus and attention, and even reversal of brain atrophy.”
This is the reason why we do Mokuso every lesson. Other forms of meditation in your Dojo include Kata, mindfulness exercises, and Chi Kung.
The Benefits of Regular Training
Regular training or Neurobics for Karate in any physical sport reduces stress by increasing the feel-good brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It also increases the levels of brain chemicals that promote new brain cell formation and new neural connections.
Embrace Creativity
Creative thought processes have the power to focus the brain similarly to meditation. Researchers know that it acts as a natural antidepressant and protects against brain aging.
Remember, Karate has many dimensions; it’s not just about kicking and punching. Don’t be afraid to branch out into other related arts and experiment with your knowledge. Leverage your instructors and Sensei. Ask for their advice in this area. You never know what you might find out about yourself in Neurobics for Karate!