
Our fees are annualised and calculated based on the total number of lessons we teach each year.

  • Annual Membership
    £40 (This covers Dojo license and insurance which is a regulatory requirement)
  • New Starters
    £8 Pay-as-you-go (New students trying out classes can pay per lesson for a few weeks)
  • Beginner (White to Orange Belt)
  • Intermediate (Yellow to Green Belt):
  • Advance (Purple to Brown Belt):
    i. £40/Month.
    ii. £50/Month (6:30pm to 9pm).
  • Advance II (Black Belt Programme):
    Fees provided on application. Note – advance II students train more regularly and privately with the Sensei.
  • Black Belt: (Yudansha):
    Fees provided on application. Note – black belt students train more regularly and privately with the Sensei.
  • Concessions
    We offer 10% discount for families with 3 plus students or students who are on the Black Belt or Apprenticeship programme.
  • £25 for 4 consecutive classes
  • £15/hour for online sessions
  • £8 for yoga session
  • £10 per classes
  • £30 for 4 classes
  • Free for 15 consulation
  • £100 per treatment
  • Free for 15 consulation
  • £25 per hour
  • Beginner: £25
  • Intermediate £30
  • Intermediate £30
  • Advance £35
  • Advance II: £45
  • Black Belt: on application