EmptyHands Shiatsu Clinic

We provide advice, support and rehabilitation for sports injuries, back problems and trauma. The primary therapies used are Shiatsu and Coaching.

This Clinic was founded and developed by Azeem Mushtaq (Sensei) in 2003 after graduating at the British School of Shiatsu-Dô. Since then he has combined his Shiatsu knowledge with Karate and Coaching experience to form a blend of skill sets pertinent to injury rehabilitation.

The Clinic is registered under the Shiatsu Society and is regulated by its Society Code of Ethics. All Shiatsu Society rules and regulations can be downloaded by clicking here

Go to our Recommended Page to view the list of products we have trialled and tested within our clinic over the years. This products have been proven to be highly effective.

We provide free online consultation: info@emptyhands.co.uk